
Keep learning with L y M Servicios Mar de Cortez. Collect points on the forum or on the eLearning platform. Those points will make you reach new ranks.

How do I earn badges?

When you finish a course or reach milestones, you're awarded badges.

How do I score more points?

You can score more points by answering quizzes at the end of each course content. Points can also be earned on the forum. Follow this link to the guidelines of the forum.

  • Rank badge
    10,000 points
  • Rank badge
    2,000 points
  • Rank badge
    500 points
  • Rank badge
    100 points
  • Rank badge
    1 points


Besides gaining reputation with your questions and answers, you receive badges for being especially helpful.
Badges appear on your profile page, and your posts.

Get started
Get started

Register to the platform

39 awarded users
Certified Knowledge
Certified Knowledge

Get a certification

39 awarded users
Power User
Power User

Complete a course

38 awarded users

Congratulation, you succeeded this certification

27 awarded users

Felicitaciones, ha conseguido esta certificación.

23 awarded users
Know yourself
Know yourself

Complete your profile

4 awarded users
Good Job
Good Job

You did great at your job.

2 awarded users

With your brilliant ideas, you are an inspiration to others.

1 awarded users
Community hero
Community hero

Reach 2000 XP

1 awarded users
Problem Solver
Problem Solver

No one can solve challenges like you do.

0 awarded users

Certification Badges

You can gain badges by passing certifications. Here is a list of all available certification badges.
Follow the links to reach new heights and skill up!

Congratulation, you succeeded this certification

30 awarded users

Felicitaciones, usted logró esta certificación

19 awarded users

Enhorabuena, ha conseguido esta certificación.

11 awarded users

Felicidades, usted logró esta certificación

8 awarded users

Congratulation, you succeeded this certification

8 awarded users
How do we devise your energy saving plan?

Industries like yours are saving millions in consumption energetic. Imagine the potential, act now.


We request an electricity bill and information about the production process.

CFE receipt

We installed and enabled our monitoring tool. Logo CloudView+

Know more

We analyze the monitored information and develop a report with the savings opportunities.

Saving With Energy My Score

Send us your information to start devising your plan.